Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Gavin works his Magic

 Although Gavin has done multiple customs for me, I'm always amazed with the Magic he performs.

His latest batch has bubbles on players with no previous cards in my collection.  It includes Ohtani

with his first "Bubble".  Reminds me of an earlier Griffey "Bubble".

Another first bubble card.

Two Tigers Managers that blew bubbles.   Sparky also was a blower.

These above are from his series.

Gavin also does 1/1 customs.

Here a are couple of my "Fun" cards.  Where's Waldo?

Into my collection of Footballs on other sports cards

Can he do a faster replay?

Another Jose Lind fun card without the Samuri Sword.

Please check out Gavin's work on Ebays breakdowncards.

Game Used quest

 I recently started a new mini collection, Game used or Patch cards for HOF'ers.  I started with 31  and have added 22 in the past month...