Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Estate Sale Bonanza

 My friend Pat's buddy called him about a guy that wanted to sell his sports collection.  We went over on a sunday evening to the house and met a 95 year old gentleman who has been collecting for awhile.  

Most of his collection was magazines and memorabilia but we struck a deal to take it all and unearthed some gems when we sorted through the mass of items.

Here are a few of the treasures we found.

This is a postcard from Johnny Bench's restaurant in Cincinnati.  It's now closed but I did get a chance to eat there a few times.

Quite a few autographs, but this is my favorite.

Among all the paper were ballots from all the All Star games.  This is from the 1970 game

Over a hundred decks of old playing cards

Art was a big Reds fan that included this auto of Sam Jethroe

This is one of the oldest cards, 1947 Exhibit

Lots of unusual cards

1975 TCMA

Fro-joy Ice cream TCMA reprint

Baseball Legends

New Mini Collection

 I recently decided to try and collect one Memorabilia, Relic or Signature card of every HOF'er since 1950.  So far I have 42 cards.  Th...