Saturday, February 19, 2022

Multi Sport Crossover

 Lately it seems like i've been able to go thru more multi-sports and non-sports cards.   I'm always on the lookout for any card that is a non standard pose.   However, I'm starting with one of the the "Bubble Gum Baseball" cards that Gavin, baseballcardbreakdown, sent me.

I have received customs from several other artists, but Gavin's is the best by a large margin.

Could this be the Tour De Green Bay?

He's got the pads to step right in.

That puck might hurt if he misses.

Some nights goalies might think the puck looks like the size of a basketball.

Looks what came in from the Bay, "Aquaman".

Crossfit potential contestant?

Flyers new mascot.

This is a Topps 1956 card from a plane series.

I learn something new all the time from looking at Cards.


  1. Fun stuff. Thanks for the kind words!

  2. All of these are fantastic! I was familiar with the Brooks and Nash cards... but the rest are brand new to me.

  3. Love the Nash and Linseman cards (and the Packers of course). Never saw the Pudge before, that's a nice one, too.

  4. Great cards. That nash is always one of my faves


Gavin works his Magic

 Although Gavin has done multiple customs for me, I'm always amazed with the Magic he performs. His latest batch has bubbles on players ...