Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Trade with Gavin Bubble Customs

I recently received my return package from Gavin, Baseball Card Breakdown.   He sent me my Best Custom Bubble Cards yet.

There are lots of pictures of sports figures Blowing Bubbles, But sometimes it's very hard to find a sports card with a particular player Blowing the Bubble.

Kershaw is one guy that has multiple Bubble blowing base and variations.

There are also a few "custom" cards that have been available through eBay for some time.
 I have long wondered why I cannot find a card of a player blowing a bubble before 1973. 
Baseball cards have a long history of sponsors with ties to gum.   Fleer, Goudey and Bazooka
are a few that come to mind.   This Mantle custom helps tell a story of Bubbles.

According to the back of his 1954 Bowman, Mantle is the "man who brought bubble gum and the tape measure home run to national prominence.  He hit a ........   A picture of Mickey blowing bubbles in the outfield was printed in papers across the country."  

It has also been told that Casey Stengal thought blowing bubbles showed that a player was not serious  about baseball when blowing a bubble.  He and Mantle disagreed but Casey was his manager.

This is another custom of a Future Hall of Famer

And another custom of Charlie Spikes.  Hard to tell is this a popped bubble or somebody throwing milk in his face.  


  1. Gavin creates killer customs! I just had him whip up some Starting Lineup "cards" for my blog not too long ago.

  2. Glad you like and thanks again for the trade!

  3. Excellent customs! I have that Santo but have no clue what set/year it comes from. Never knew that The Mick had a similar card as well.

  4. Gavin is the man when it comes to customs!


Game Used quest

 I recently started a new mini collection, Game used or Patch cards for HOF'ers.  I started with 31  and have added 22 in the past month...