I was lucky enough to have a friend who is obsessed with garage sales, auctions and estate sales. He texted me a couple of weeks ago about an estate sale in Ypsilanti, about a 50 minute drive. We got their early and were the first to arrive. We put our own sign up list on the door with our names first.
This was the 2nd day of the sale which means everything is 50% off. It also means that anyone on the day before could have already purchased all the good stuff.
All the cards were in a back bedroom. There were literally hundreds of boxes and binders still available. We started going through some boxes along with 10 other guys who came in right behind us. They were all labeled with some kind of numbering system or the words commons or stars.
This collector had amassed a lot of cards. Only glancing in each box, I started setting aside some boxes. Pretty soon there were a lot of boxes and binders. My friend, who likes memorabilia, had also accumulated a pile and together we negotiated a price for the lot. We still didn't know what we had.
We split the pile up and each took some home. Over the next few posts I'll go over what we found.
Most of the cards were from the 70's through the 90's. Very few cards were newer.
Not too many vintage baseball rookies but three of these Trammell Burger King rookies.
My favorites, Oddballs
A whole set of Baseball's Wildest Plays
A binder full of Ryans, earliest was the 75
Lots of inserts
This card came out of a common labeled box
But was surprised us the most was a full 3200 count box of autos, jerseys and bat cards.
Our collector had over a thousand TTM's.
These were a few of my favorites.
A mini Jersey card.
I tried to get all baseball but did get a couple of vintage boxes of basketball, football.
hockey and racing.
This is one of the newer cards we found.
More posts this week.