Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Estate Sale 2

Here is my 2nd post dealing with my estate sale discoveries from a few weeks ago.   A picture from my basement showing my half of the haul.

This doesn't include the 27 binders and the half that my friend took home.

Our collector that accumulated this treasure was equal when he/she bought cards.
All the major sports plus golf.



Our hometown boy, Eruzione, who played for the Toledo Golddiggers

Stormin Norman

This entire series of 80 Michigan football cards, all autographed.

There are even about a half dozen autographed soccer cards.  And of course many baseball.


  1. How fun to get to go through all that stuff!

  2. I'm extremely jealous of you getting to go through all those boxes/binders!

  3. Oh man... there are some Michigan bloggers who I'm sure would love to get their hands on that 80 card autographed set.

  4. Any football finds?! I see some 90's inserts I would love so far.


New Mini Collection

 I recently decided to try and collect one Memorabilia, Relic or Signature card of every HOF'er since 1950.  So far I have 42 cards.  Th...