Sunday, July 24, 2022


 I was going through my binders and found my section of promos.  It seems some promos 

were issued as often as the base cards they are associated with.  While some are scarcer.

Next Year's HOF class?

A few Bad Boys

And the HOF'ers


  1. Those are great! Love how all are so different too...some stamp the front, some the back, some 'sample', some 'promo'. Very cool.

  2. I love promo cards! Is this one of your side PC's? If so, I'll dig through my duplicates and send them your way. Sadly I don't think I have any new "bubble" cards... and I owe you for the generous care package you sent my way a few months ago.

    P.S. My thank you post is being published this morning.

  3. And not a single one with a bubble on it!

  4. I always by Samples/Promos when I see them in dime boxes. I wish Topps or whoever would bring 'em back!


Gavin works his Magic

 Although Gavin has done multiple customs for me, I'm always amazed with the Magic he performs. His latest batch has bubbles on players ...