Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Best Trade so far

 I've been trading on TCDB for a couple of months and this trade with coachspike has been the 

most fun.  I thought I'd show the cards which includes a few for my "Bob" collection, an early minor 

league card and my first Goudey Indian Gum.

1939 Play Ball HOF'er Bill Terry

Last Card Musial

A more modern Stan

I have been collecting Minor League unique cards
1947 Oakland Oaks

1947 Bond Bread Bobbie Doerr

Another "Bob" card

Very Cool   1933 - 40 Goudey Indian Gum


  1. Wow, yeah, some really cool cards. Love the Musial picture they used on the Fleer Tradition.

  2. Awesome cards! Especially love the Les Scarsella.

  3. I didn't realize Musial's last playing days card is his 63T. Guess he had a pretty short run with Topps. Gotta say... he went out with a bang, because that card looks awesome. That Goudey Indian Gum card is awesome too!

  4. I am glad that everyone has had great luck trading on there. I haven't. I gave up lol. I will stick to twitter and blogger trades


Continuing the Quest

 There are over 120 HOF'ers that have been elected to the Baseball HOF since 1970.  Since I started my "Quest" about 2 months ...