Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Customs from Gavin

A big thanks to Gavin at Baseball Card Breakdown for these bubblegum customs.  His choice of card backgrounds always seem to enhance the pictures.

How long would a bubble last?

I think this is the largest bubble I've ever seen.

How's this for bubble blowing devotion

Squints is not a custom.  I hope you've had a chance to watch the Sandlot with your extra time at home.

Perfect backdrop for this picture taken at the Cal Ripken World Series,
A new Guiness World Record.

Gavin this little detail with the bubble on the logo player is fantastic.

I appreciate your customs more than almost all of the other cards in my collection
of 800 plus different bubble blowing cards.


  1. Glad you like! That AJ Ramos bubble is crazy.. must have taken many pieces of gum!

  2. Awesome stuff Gavin! My favorite is the LLWS Record Breaker card.

  3. Google ate your scans! I can only see Herges (The same thing happened to some of mine. Wth?) Gavin makes some fantastic customs.

    Btw, do you have the Eugenio Suarez 2020 Gypsy Queen bubble?

  4. Came across these photos and thought of you. Maybe they would make good customs.


Minor League Bubble King

 Garrett Havig was dedicated to the Bubble.  Garrett was a trainer for two different minor league teams and on 9 of his 10 cards he has blow...