Thursday, April 30, 2020

I Miss Baseball

As I was going through my cards again, some of the cards were telling me a story.  Someday might there not be any more umps.

No more "high fives"

Interactions with the fans.

Empty stadiums

What about the players with no one to play catch.

Are they getting frustrated?

I hope they all remember this is still a game and have fun.


These last pictures are for Greg at Night Owl.
Batting Donuts and these other items no longer in use.

I actually have a mini collection with about 10 sledgehammers.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Customs from Gavin

A big thanks to Gavin at Baseball Card Breakdown for these bubblegum customs.  His choice of card backgrounds always seem to enhance the pictures.

How long would a bubble last?

I think this is the largest bubble I've ever seen.

How's this for bubble blowing devotion

Squints is not a custom.  I hope you've had a chance to watch the Sandlot with your extra time at home.

Perfect backdrop for this picture taken at the Cal Ripken World Series,
A new Guiness World Record.

Gavin this little detail with the bubble on the logo player is fantastic.

I appreciate your customs more than almost all of the other cards in my collection
of 800 plus different bubble blowing cards.

Monday, April 13, 2020

One more Estate Sale post

Since I have lots of time, I was going through the estate sale boxes a second time to do a little more sorting.  If I already haven't said it enough, this was a find of a lifetime.  In one of the first 800 count boxes I checked, it was full of 89 and 90 Topps cards, I found another surprise at the back of the box.

More auto and jersey cards, about 100.  Our collector must have opened a lot of cards in their life.  He/she was also a multi-sport fan.

Jeff signed this on the back of the card.  First one i've seen.

I remember hoping for a big pull when I opened a few packs of Leaf Signature in 1996, but all I got was a lesser player in bronze.

There were 6 cards from this series in the 100 I found, there was a Gold.

There were also a few minor league autos.

And I hope a Future HOF'er.

Current HOF'ers included these 4.

A few Jersey cards.

A local Michigan grad.

Hockey cards.

Lindros signed with gold ink.

And these Football greats

I consider myself very lucky to acquire these cards.  My friend has been scouting for future estate sales and auctions.   They will have to wait until things start to return to normal.  I appreciate all my fellow bloggers who help me get through the days at home.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Inspired by another post

In the middle of my daily ritual, looking at my favorite blogs, I was inspired by Bo at Baseball Cards Come to Life to post a blog about my Pepsi and Coca Cola cards.  I love to collect at least one oddball card of each set.   I really don't try to collect a whole set of each oddball.  If you have any singles of any food, retailer, minor league card or other misc. logo on a card, please let me know and I'll be happy to trade.    Let's start with the Coke cards.

I love minor league cards, especially the older ones.

1982 plus local Boston retailer.

Last World Series title for the Tigers.  Mr. Tiger we will miss you.


1994 Collect a Card

Ok now the Pepsi

1984 Marysville

2000 Upper Deck 1 of 15

1991 Reds

I finish with a 2003 Fleer mini.

Continuing the Quest

 There are over 120 HOF'ers that have been elected to the Baseball HOF since 1970.  Since I started my "Quest" about 2 months ...