Nobody could leave that many rookies in a tote. After emptying the first tote, I was on my way to an
unreal amount of rookie cards. I found my first Judge rookie in the first fistful of cards.
Nobody could leave that many rookies in a tote. After emptying the first tote, I was on my way to an
unreal amount of rookie cards. I found my first Judge rookie in the first fistful of cards.
This is Part 2 of our most recent Estate/Tote discovery. There are some cards here that I don't see often or haven't seen ever.
My card partner Pat is a bloodhound. He scours Facebook, Craigslist, our local auctions and anywhere
else that lists sports cards for sale. He will travel over an hour if there is a remote chance to find cards.
Sometimes the results are no cards but he still finds sports related memorabilia, sometime only junk era
cards but once in a while there is a pot of gold at the end of his chase. This is the 2nd estate sale that
has resulted in gold in the last 3 months. This was a garage/estate sale that said sports stuff. He got
there and found a couple of sports items. Pat always asks if there are any cards. This mom says her
kids have a few totes of cards for sale. There are 3 totes full of cards just thrown in willy nilly.
Genius, brilliant, fun, appreciated. All these describe Gavin's latest creation. My return package for
the Kryptonite and accompanying cards was this latest creation from Gavin, Baseball Card Breakdown,
was this Acuna Jr. card.
There are over 120 HOF'ers that have been elected to the Baseball HOF since 1970. Since I started my "Quest" about 2 months ...