Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Part 3 - Rookies

 Nobody could leave that many rookies in a tote.  After emptying the first tote, I was on my way to an 

unreal amount of rookie cards.   I found my first Judge rookie in the first fistful of cards.

There were a total of 9 Judge rookies, including 4 different versions.

Bellinger had 8

7 Ohtani's and 4 Acuna Jr's

Along with above 3 there were single rookies of Arenado, Sale, Scherzer

Rizzo, J D Martinez, Altuve, Freeman, Soto, Tatis and more.

Sorry this card should have been in part 2

This all lead up to a discovery in the third tote.  I have a bucket list

that includes some baseball related items.   First is visiting the ballparks

of all 30 clubs.   Although I have seen games in over 30 so far, some have

been for the same team.  As a kid, my father took me to a game at

Crosley Field in Cinci.  I have also been to a game at Riverfront and

Great American Ballpark in Cinci.   These clubs have had me seeing games at

two different ballparks: Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburg, White Sox and Mets.

However I still need to see a game in Philly, Denver, Arizona, Tampa, Minneapolis

and D. C.   My second baseball bucket list item is finding a Babe Ruth original vintage card

in an Estate or Garage sale.

I found my third bucket list item in the third tote about halfway down.   I thought I

had found it in the 2nd tote but it was a 65th anniversary reprint.  Although it has a 

bad corner from being in the tote, it still counts.

I have a Bowman Trout rookie that I pulled from a pack back in 2011.  I had no idea who Trout 

was back then.

Do you have any Baseball or Sports bucket list goals?

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Part 2 - Different Cards for me

 This is Part 2 of our most recent Estate/Tote discovery.  There are some cards here that I don't see often or haven't seen ever.

There were 6 of these Harlem Globetrotter cards

An oddball Arod rookie card

Our soon to be HOF'er

My first printing plate and 1/1

A shiny Babe

3D Willie


A mini Mantle

Another shiny card for my collection

At least 15 SP's

Including this Manny Rookie

Speaking of rookies, Part 3 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Another estate sale, part 1

 My card partner Pat is a bloodhound.  He scours Facebook, Craigslist, our local auctions and anywhere

else that lists sports cards for sale.  He will travel over an hour if there is a remote chance to find cards.

Sometimes the results are no cards but he still finds sports related memorabilia, sometime only junk era 

cards but once in a while there is a pot of gold at the end of his chase.   This is the 2nd estate sale that  

has resulted in gold in the last 3 months.  This was a garage/estate sale that said sports stuff.  He got 

there and found a couple of sports items.  Pat always asks if there are any cards.  This mom says her 

kids have a few totes of cards for sale.   There are 3 totes full of cards just thrown in willy nilly.

This is after i've spent a day sorting to get the bottom of one tote.

Part 1 will be the vintage and unusual cards

Each tote had about 10,000 cards.  As I started sorting there was a mix of junk cards with some more recent sprinkled in.  After I pulled a few update rookie cards I realized that a majority of the recent cards were from update sets.  A lot of the cards had some damage due to how they were just thrown into the tote.  But overall, it was still the most fun i've ever had exploring a "pot of gold".

Out of the 30,000 cards there were less than 25 vintage cards mostly commons

Quite a few autos

Walmart cereal cards

Jersey and bat cards.   It looks like cork and feels like cork, Hmmm.

Part 2 preview, my favorite oddballs

Monday, June 13, 2022

Genius at work

 Genius, brilliant, fun, appreciated.   All these describe Gavin's latest creation.  My return package for

the Kryptonite and accompanying cards was this latest creation from Gavin, Baseball Card Breakdown,

was this Acuna Jr. card.

This view doesn't give you the impact that this side view shows 

I might have a problem storing in my Bubble Binder

I will find a solution and let you see it in a future post.

This was also my first 1/1

However, there was another estate sale recently that lead to another 1/1, as well as,
other goodies which will be explained in my next couple of posts.

Continuing the Quest

 There are over 120 HOF'ers that have been elected to the Baseball HOF since 1970.  Since I started my "Quest" about 2 months ...